Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello and What Am I Doing Here?

I'm a freelance writer. I make my money writing about..... well mostly about beauty products lately, but just a short time ago I was a relationship blogger. I wrote the former Dating Dames blog. I enjoyed the work, but when the job ended, I also enjoyed the break.

I've written about dating, breaking up, how to get along, how to argue, and I've covered meeting a man online in great depth. Many of the stories were my own, but I also did a fair amount of research - books, anecdotes from friends/neighbors/acquaintanences, articles, blah, blah, on and on...

Relationships, people in love or lust, they fascinate me. What motivates them? How are they able to meet, to make it work?

In case you are curious, here's a bit of background on me.....

I'm 43. I was married for 3 year and I've been divorced for a long time. I'm a single mom. I've spent the last 19 years either single and not looking, single and actively looking, in a committed relationship, or casually dating. Whether I had a man of my own or not, men are never far from my mind. I've never out-grown the boy-craziness that developed sometime during the first week of kingergarten. I blame my mom, who is herself a boy-crazy woman of 64. Some of us never outgrow our love of men and I for one, am very glad to have discovered that.

I'm going to use this blog to do a few things. Including......

*Talk about my dating/relationship experience in the hope that it will help you

*Review books or articles on dating and/or relationships

*Give advice, because in my search for Mr. Right, I've run across quite a few Mr. Wrongs. No better lessons than those learned from the wrong guy.

I feel that when it comes to relationships, experience is the very best teacher. Come young grasshopper, allow me to share the benefit of my experience...........
                                                               Not a grasshopper......

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